By Lisa DurdenOnce hailed as the uncensored voice of gossip, her recent documentary series, “Where Is Wendy Williams,” has left audiences in shock and scrutiny when...
Interwove Art with Activism in her Narrative Quilts Faith Ringgold, 93, the beloved and pioneering quilter, author, and multimedia artist, passed at her home in Englewood,...
Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock preached at Grace Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, New York, last Sunday (April 7), for Grace’s Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn...
By Fern GillespieLifelong Martha’s Vineyard resident, Abigail McGrath, believes there is a special intellectual, cultural, and historical energy that attracts Black visitors to Martha’s Vineyard–especially during...
By Fern GillespieThe glam, sophisticated ladies of Harlem have recently been popularized on contemporary “girlfriend” television series like “Harlem” and “Run the World.” While the shows...