Other News
For the Record: Medgar Evers Administration Responds to Critics
The Office of Communications Department of External Relations at Medgar Evers College, sent a fact sheet “to clarify misleading and false charges made about” the school.
The Mission of Medgar Evers College
•The mission of Medgar Evers College remains unchanged and its commitment to the educational and social needs of the Central Brooklyn community remains evident in the present administration’s focus on positive student-centered outcomes. Open enrollment has not been eliminated.
The Learning, Teaching and Writing Centers
•The learning, writing, and teaching centers are still operational and have never been considered for elimination. The administration is proposing an expansion of the Centers for better integration to improve student outcomes.
The Library
• The administration’s highest capital project priority is the expansion of the library, which has been approved and should commence in the near future. Staffing of the library is being evaluated to best enhance student support.
The Master Planning Process
• The administration is beginning the master planning process for the College, a process which involves strategic planning for the future of the institution. This process will allow us to evaluate how academic support units, such as the computer labs and the psychology lab, can be organized to have a positive impact on student outcomes.
Faculty and Student Research
• The Office of Academic Affairs strongly encourages faculty and the Centers to engage in new research, yet maintains the responsibility to review, approve, and oversee such projects on behalf of the College. We believe the College can help serve the needs of the community through targeted advocacy of public policy solutions informed by sound published research.
The Medgar Evers College Preparatory School
• Principal Michael Wiltshire has indicated that he was “disturbed” to learn of the false claim that the College was no longer supportive of the School. Medgar Evers College is proud to be associated with The Medgar Evers College Preparatory School. There have been no efforts to eliminate the Dual Enrollment program, only to strengthen it.
• There is not, nor has there ever been, a College policy that penalizes any prospective or current student who has been incarcerated. In fact, the College, in conjunction with the Kings County District Attorney’s Office, has created a new partnership to provide educational support for the formerly incarcerated and those at risk of incarceration. This Community Justice Program, shall pair the College’s strong academic programs in social work and related disciplines with District Attorney Charles J. Hynes’ nationally recognized re-entry and diversion programs.
The Faculty Committee of the Whole
• The body calling itself “the Faculty Committee of the Whole” lacks official standing to
represent the faculty in a “vote of no confidence”. This unelected group is not representative of the general faculty body as it is not sanctioned by the Medgar Evers College Council. The Faculty Senate is the body sanctioned by the College Council to represent the faculty, and the Faculty Senate has not held such a vote.
Hiring Decisions
• The administration is taking the necessary steps to improve academic instruction and student support services, as well as improve the technology infrastructure and internal fiscal controls.
Decisions with regards to consulting services have been made with these priorities in mind, and in accordance with well-established managerial practices.
Personnel Decisions
• Changes in personnel have occurred as part of the College’s routine academic and
administrative decision-making processes in accordance with College and University policies.
We continue to seek compliance with and resolve all matters presented before us in accordance with the City University of New York Board of Trustee Bylaws, the College Governance Plan and all applicable collective bargaining agreements.