Community News
Pitkin Avenue Community Speaks: VP Kamala Harris Candidacy for President
Bigga, Program Manager of BIVO (Brownsville In, Violence Out) North
Biden did what is best for him. He bowed out. I salute him for that. A lot of warriors don’t know when to bow out because I am going to be a burden to the struggle. By all means, lead from behind the scenes. Move on.
Kamala is a historic thing. Of course I am proud of that. She’s Black, she’s a woman. She should get her time to lead.
Angela Jones
I am so happy that Biden decided to let his ego go and step down from the presidential race. It was time. Even if he hadn’t stepped down I was still going to vote for him because I really do not want that other person to ruin this country like he did before.
We have to stand behind Kamala. She is ready to take him on. He’s no match for her. She is educated and he is not. She is going to make him look like an imbecile during the next debate. I am glad she is raising a lot of money so quickly. I hope the donations keep pouring in and she gets what she deserves to be our next president.
Oma Holloway
It’s her time. It’s our time. We need to get to work. It’s going to be a challenge but she is the right person at the right time to make a difference and hopefully move this country forward. She will give the Republicans the challenge that they need and the reality check that this country is not going to roll over and let them just send us back or destroy us. Let’s give her our support. We need our young people, our people of color, and women so that we can keep our reproductive rights… We need everybody to come out and vote for her.
Bruce Richard
I support her. I welcome her run against Trump. I am glad for her and wish her well. I think she is up for the job. I absolutely will vote for her and I will encourage other people to vote for her.
Phil Thompson
I am all in for Kamala. She is substantive. She cares about community. She will continue to advocate for more resources to help create jobs and improve our communities. That is what we need. Trump is a charlatan, a liar, a thief, a rapist, a fascist. He has nothing for us to support. It is very important that we win this election.
Torian Easterling
I think we have to mobilize and galvanize around Kamala because it is about saving our democracy and saving our communities. She is supporting reproductive rights for our women. She is supporting ways in which we can invest in our communities. She has supported violence prevention services and we have seen the first office to prevent gun violence on a national level through HHS because of her leadership. These are the things that we know are plaguing our communities. This is the type of candidate that we have to get behind.
Francois Phillip
I think Kamala is great. She is qualified. With her Democrats have a great chance of winning. I am with her.
Gretchen Susi
I am very excited about Kamala. I wasn’t sure before the decision was made but as soon as the decision was made I felt a real surge of excitement and hope and possibility. I made sure I gave to the campaign immediately. A lot of my family lives in Pennsylvania. I am checking when is the voter registration deadline. We have to make sure we get people registered and get people to the polls. Whatever it takes. I really think she can do a lot for all of us, for New York and for the country. I feel very hopeful.
It is good that we are going to have someone younger in the office. I think it is a good thing to have a woman of color in the office . I am not going to lie: I voted for Biden last time and I was considering voting for Trump this time just because of everything Biden’s been handling. I feel that Trump might have been doing stuff better, To be honest, I would much rather have Kamala than Trump.
Sophia Kastelenett
I am excited to see a young Black woman who is going to lead the Democratic Party and has all of the background and experience that she has in terms of restorative justice in communities of color and what that will look like for us moving forward policy that will create the type of world that we want for our future.