Community Calendar

Friday, June 21st
Make Music NY Concert & Census Job Recruitment ARTs East New York 534 Livonia Ave., 12-5pm FREE. See a lineup of performers spanning Hip-Hop to Jazz. Bring family and friends to enjoy this grand opening of the Summer Solstice. Note: Arts East New York will host the NYC Census Job recruitment inside and visitors will also have the option of filling out their census forms there.
Borough Distribution Day for Shakespeare in the Park Kenny Leon directed this all-Black musical version of Much Ado About Nothing, starring Danielle Brooks of The Color Purple on Broadway and Orange is the New Black. Countee Cullen Library 104 West 136th St. Manhattan. Show is at 8pm at The Delacorte Theater vouchers (up to 2 per person) distributed at noon (bring a chair and/or a book & get on the line at 9:30), exchange vouchers for tix at the Delacorte at7:30. The hilarity, high drama and masterful acting make it all worth it.
Saturday, June 22nd

Emmanuel Baptist Church’s Total Praise Ensemble
A Clinton Hill ‘Blessing Our Block’ Party Emanuel Baptist Church, St. James P.l btw & Lafayette & DeKalb Aves., (rain or shine) 11am-5pm FREE. Bring the family and enjoy fun activities, music, games, contests, tournaments and crafts. Total Praise Ensemble, Uncle Majic, the Hip-Hop Magician, community resources and more.
Sunday, June 23rd
The Juneteenth Black Business Expo Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration 1368 Fulton St., 1:30-5pm, FREE. Entrepreneurs and business owners Khaiel Events and Ahm Zadik provide a platform to help money circulate within the community. Meet, support and shop with local businesses and meet some extraordinary people from the community. Find handcrafted cultural accessories, handmade soaps and garments. Receive financial education, learn ways to travel on a budget, and enjoy great food and music. Tickets at Eventbrite.
Friday, June 28th
Jazz for Unity Jazz 966, 966 Fulton St., 8 & 9:45pm, (doors at 7) $20. Closing out the season at Jazz 96 with two live bands. Presented by Jazz 966 and the Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium. Group sales available. For info call 718-638-6911
Saturday, June 29th
Annual M.A.M.A. Festival: More Arts, More Alive! Dwana Smallwood Performing Arts Center 857 Lexington Ave., 12-6pm, FREE. Located right outside DSPAC on Lexington Ave, this street festival extravaganza will feature dance workshops for kids, performances from local artists, family fun, and inventive crafts, fashion and culinary delights of more than 50 local vendors.
For info on how to become a vendor or performer contact:
Sunday, July 7th
Soul Summit Music Festival Fort Greene Park, DeKalb Ave. 3-8pm, FREE. The annual outdoor music and dancing series returns, courtesy of the Soul Summit DJ Collective. Exercise and clean fun, heavy on the house music.
Thursday, July 4th
48th Annual International African Arts Festival Commodore Barry Park Flushing Ave. & Navy St., 12-10pm Sugg donation $5 at the gate, special pckgs available. Opening day of this landmark 4-day annual event and this year’s theme is Ya Tond La Taaba (We Are All One). The lineup on this day includes Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, Jones Family Band, Clifton Anderson Sextet and Dinizulu Cultural Arts Institute, For info on vending and housing call 718-638-6700. For general info visit