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Reflections: The Last Slice of Pie

Rosalee Mosley
Fulfillment At Its True Capacity

Rich in Love
Sincere in Interest
Overfilled with Compassion
A Provider of Nourishment

Pure In Intentions
Sweet In Real Time
And indeed
Purposeful in Life

Unique With Pride
Confident in Individuality
Powerful With Words
And A Definite Child of GOD

Genuine with Care
Tender In Touch
Passionate in Worship
And A True Angel on Earth

Our Beloved
Our Hero
Our Warm Soul
Our Teacher

Strength in Power
Golden in Grace
Undeniably Amazing

Shared Amongst Many
Incomparable To None
And Truly, The Sweetest There Will Ever Be

BitterSweet Moment
And Arguably Selfish In Some Ways
Because For Us, Time With You Is Never Enough
Moments With You Should Last Forever
And Your Presence Should Always Be Near

But Today, We Accept GOD’s Doing and Trust In His Word More Than Ever
Gracefully Bowing Before Him Thanking Him For Your Existence
Praising Him For Your Love
And Worshiping Him For Letting Us All Enjoy The Slices of this Pie Together

From This Day Forward, We’ll All Take A Piece of This Last Slice with Us in Our Hearts
Remembering All that You Meant And Everything You Were

Our Mother
Our Grandmother
Our GreatGrandmother
Our Sister
Our Family And
Our True Friend

The Pie We’ll Never Finish

You’ve Made Us All Better In Many Ways
And For That We Could Never Repay You
Thank You For That “Sweetie Pie” We Love You Forever !

– Kiara S. Green

*From the book, I Had A Praying Grandmother

– Kiara S. Green (AMBI G.)


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