Black History
Golf Prodigy Shyla C. Brown set for Hall of Fame

By Tiffany Pippins, African-American Golf Digest
You can find her on IG (that’s Instagram for us older-generation folks who may not know) under her account “Shylagolfer.” She stands at a height of 5-feet-1 inch and is currently in the 5th grade. Off the course, Shyla Brown is a quintessential 10-year-old who enjoys Minecraft, science experiments, reading and playing with her dog, Sugar. Yet, she can hit a golf ball up to 250 yards on any given day, as she currently shoots in the low 80’s playing from 5800-6200.
Her talent, versatility and hard work on and off the course have been recognized throughout the country and she has recently been selected to be inducted into the 2019 African-American & Youth Golfers Hall of Fame after being named Golfer of the Year 2018 by The Charlotte Golfing Seniors, where she was also awarded a scholarship.
Shyla has won over 27 golf tournaments and aspires to one day attend Duke University and play for the women’s golf team. David and Dahalia Brown are avid supporters and golf parents to their gifted daughter. Shyla’s mother once caddied for the 2018 Peggy Kirk Bell Discovery Tournament where Shyla took home another win. Her father, David Brown, champions her game coaches and caddies most of her events and spends time with his daughter on the course and at the practice range, cultivating her swing, day after day.
She hopes to attend Duke University where she plans to major in one of the math and science fields. She is actively a part of the Duke TIP Gifted Program that allows her to take classes outside of her elementary education at South Carolina University.
In addition to her accomplishments on the course, Shyla volunteers as a Junior Optimist member as well as volunteer assistant coach for the First Tee of Charlotte, NC. As Shyla continues to work on her game, she also boasts an eye-popping 4.2 GPA consistently. She tweets about the STEM curriculum and how she ties it into golf as she enjoys math and science in addition to her love for reading. Shyla Brown is an African-American golf prodigy with a promising future.
For Shyla, staying fit is par for the course.