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Community Comes Together

to Assist Survivors
On September 6th, Bedford- Stuyvesant churches and  thecommunity came together to provide some relief for the victims of the government=s failure in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.  On this day, Sharonnie Perry and Assemblywoman Annette Robinson brought together Central Brooklyn clergy, community residents and elected officials in action that was typical of what  was taking place across Bedford- Stuyvesant and the country as people scrambled to provide whatever they could for people who had been suddenly bereft of all they had.
One survivor, just arrived from Louisiana, addressed the crowd assembled beneath the tent at Restoration Plaza.
AMy name is Veronica Ogden from the 13th Ward, New Orleans, Louisiana, uptown from the Tree Garden district.  Been here three days now with my immediate family: my 15-year-old daughter, my son, my sister and her husband.  We have other family members divided and spread across the country in different states seeking a new life until we can go home to our beautiful life back home.
We originally evacuated from the New Orleans with clothing for three days because we thought we would be returning home after the hurricane. 
We went to Grambling, Louisiana where a woman who took us in just like an angel.  A blessing. But we decided we could not stay there and live on her forever.  We went to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, organizations set up to help people in our position, but we did not receive  one penny of help from either one of those places.  The only thing they offered us was to stay in a shelter.  A big open space with cots where they were herding people in there like animals.  Luckily, I did not find myself in that position. 
We got a bus ticket to New York to stay with my family here.  We still have family and close friends in New Orleans.  This has been a shock to our system.  Thank you so much.@
 Ms. Perry noted that of the money given to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, 50-60% goes to their Aadministrative costs.@   In contrast to that, the money collected this day went to the Central Brooklyn Gulf Coast Relief  Fund to be sent to the Full Gospel Fellowship Baptist Churches and the Knights of Peter Claver who could directly help those most in need. 
To make a contribution, make checks payable to: Central Brooklyn Gulf Coast Relief Fund  and mail to Assemblywoman Annette Robinson, 1360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11216.

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