City Politics
Are You Prepared? Is your “Go Bag” ready?

Emergency Preparedness meeting in Clinton Hill.
New York National Guard troops, working with experts from the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) and local emergency management personnel, are holding classes across the state in disaster preparedness.
One such class was held at the Child Development Support Corporation on Classon Avenue at Clifton Pl. last Saturday. With Division of Homeland Security personnel assisting, over 8o local residents heard Staff Sergeant Gaspar Teri III from the Division of Military and Naval Affairs give a spirited, humorous and highly informative presentation on behalf of the Citizen Preparedness Corps. Tips like putting documents, photos, etc. on a flash drive kept in your “Go Bag” with some cash in small bills because there may be no ATMs.
The objective of the CPC is to give residents the knowledge and tools to prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond accordingly, and recover as quickly as possible to predisaster conditions. Organizations with venues to host an event should call Sgt. Teri’s office at (347) 569-8082.