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Our Time AT HOME : Mr. Grannum’s Canvass: A Patch of Brooklyn Earth


Clinton Hill’s Jeff Grannum, Jr. is very much “at home” resurrecting lifeless spaces.



“As an artist, I’ve grown to love gardening and landscaping because of all the design aspects they incorporate. I guess you can say I specialize in revitalizing neglected, or even forgotten, yards or spaces.”


Jeff is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Management from New York City Tech.  He is a graduate of Benjamin Banneker Academy and Kingsborough College where he earned a degree in graphic design.


“My green thumb was passed down from my mother whose beautiful yard was a highlight of Brooklyn’s 2013 Greenest Block competition.”



His mother’s Sterling Street block won the competition. 


Grannum’s contact:  e-mail to  

PHOTO HEADLINE for before and after


From Weeds to Wonder ….


“The transformation from weeds to wonder took about 4 days (as I usually work alone). The biggest challenge was trimming and deweeding the hedges in the back which were engulfed in about 5 years of weeds.”


“I planted new grass which in about another two weeks or so will give the lawn a more defined color. One tip for the casual gardener: Mulch can be your best friend, mulch is cheap and can add vibrant color and contrast to any yard and also makes for a great weed deterrent.” –Jeff Grannum



Jeff’s Bumper Bench …


“Last summer, I decided to give my own backyard a makeover. I was digging up one of those weeds that after a year seemingly turns into an ‘oak’ tree; I felt the shovel hit metal. My first thought was ‘we found gold’! I wasn’t that far off: what I did find was very much a treasure.”



“Buried in my backyard was a fully intact car bumper! I’m no car expert but given its size, weight and shape, I would guess it’s from the 60’s or 70’s. Based on how rare the find was, and our budget, my roommates and I felt we had to find a way to integrate the piece into our backyard. I suggested a bench. We went on to find a discarded dresser whose wooden and metal drawers we used as legs.” – Jeff Grannum

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