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Bed-Stuy Museum Gala to Honor Former Mayor Dinkins

BSMAA’s Fifth Annual Mandela Humanitarian Award Will
Honor Former Mayor David Dinkins at the Brooklyn Museum

The Bedford Stuyvesant Museum of African Art (BSMAA) will honor former Mayor David Dinkins during its Fifth Annual Nelson Mandela Humanitarian Award Event at the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday, October 19, 2019. BSMAA’s Awards Selection Committee felt the 92-year old history-making New York City mayor should be honored for accomplishments he instituted to improve the lives of New Yorkers during his tenure.

“Former Mayor Dinkins had so many accomplishments as mayor that were overshadowed by events beyond his control,” said Vira Lynn Jones, BSMAA’s Executive Director.  “The Awards Selection Committee said Mayor Dinkins embodied many of the outstanding principles which guided Mandela’s life, especially his unwavering sacrifices toward helping humanity. I think most people do not know he initiated the Safe Streets, Safe City Cops and Kids program, a comprehensive program for reducing crime,” said Vira. “His administration initiated the revitalization of Times Square and he also reduced the homeless population.”

Mayor Dinkins was instrumental in building the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens and convinced the Walt Disney to renovate an old theater, that spear-headed the cleanup of Times Square.

“Let us not forget that Mayor Dinkins organized the most successful event that welcomed the late South African President, Nelson “Madiba” Mandela to New York City,” said Vira. “Mayor Dinkins staged a protest in lower Manhattan and was arrested to protest the killing of Amadou Diallo.


BSMAA’s annual event has been officially approved by the South African-based Nelson Mandela Foundation as the Madiba Humanitarian Awards:  Celebrating The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela.

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