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Alerte to Young People: Follow Your Dreams!

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alerteshotIn June 2012, along with his wife, opened the first frozen yogurt shop in Bedford-Stuyvesant; Brooklyn Swirl. With each enterprise earned, Jean only felt it was right to chronicle his success story and inspire others to follow their dreams. Jean also debut his first of many books; “Do Right, Do Good”, a practical guidebook for vision fulfillment; which developed into a partnership in mid-2013 with founder of Beyond the Boroughs; Former NFL player, Tutan Reyes. The Do Right, Do Good Scholarship Award is administered to help deserving students attend college and fulfill their dreams.

Jean continues to be a guest speaker at high schools and colleges as a motivational speaker.  “My biggest achievement is when I see one of the young men I mentor go to college or graduate college.  A few of the mentees have enrolled back in school after working with me for a few months.  I encourage them to keep going no matter what!  Even if no one else believes in them that they need to believe and invest in themselves first.  I know that I can’t mentor everyone but my mission with “Do Right, Do Good” is to mentor from a far to a lot of young men and women out there.”

And what is his advice for young business men and women?

“Follow your visions!,” he says. “Have faith in yourselves and always invest in yourself first before asking anyone to invest in your dreams.  If you’re not sure on where to start or how to start. Go out and find someone who is doing what you want to do and help them however you can.  You will gain the experience that will be with you forever. While you’re building remember to help inspire others. Surround yourself with positive individuals that will pick you up not bring you down.  It’s not going to be easy but with faith and determination anything is possible! Ask President Obama.”  For scholarship information, visit:

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