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At Witt’s End: An Existential Question For The “Day of Reckoning”


If it is Sunday  morning and you’re reading this column over a coffee instead of going to church I have great news for you.
You’re alive!
That’s right. The predicted “day of reckoning” and doomsday of May 21st has come and gone and those that predicted our demise, with or without redemption, were wrong.
For readers born under a rock, the most recent Judgment Day prediction came from Harold Camping, president of the Oakland-based Family Radio Worldwide.
Bible-thumping Camping came up with the date by crunching numbers in the holy book. He said it unequivocally adds up to 6 pm, May 21st  being the kickoff to the “days of rapture” starting with a major earthquake.
This, in turn, would start the clock ticking to where only the righteous would be saved. Others would have to endure months of torturous devastation until Oct. 21st when the earth would end.
Call it a real Super Bowl moment and I’m surprised Fox Television didn’t sell a couple of billion dollars worth of advertising for it. They could have really done well with light beer commercials in particular because I, for one, wouldn’t want to meet my maker sober.   It’s just too sobering of a thought.
But getting back to Camping, it should be noted that he predicted a similar event in September 1994 that bombed. When asked about it, Camping told reporters it was a miscalculation and the May 21st date was the real thing.

of going to church I have great news for you.
You’re alive!
That’s right. The predicted “day of reckoning” and doomsday of May 21st has come and gone and those that predicted our demise, with or without redemption, were wrong.
For readers born under a rock, the most recent Judgment Day prediction came from Harold Camping, president of the Oakland-based Family Radio Worldwide.
Bible-thumping Camping came up with the date by crunching numbers in the holy book. He said it unequivocally adds up to 6 pm, May 21st  being the kickoff to the “days of rapture” starting with a major earthquake.
This, in turn, would start the clock ticking to where only the righteous would be saved. Others would have to endure months of torturous devastation until Oct. 21st when the earth would end.

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