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Scott Stringer’s Comptroller U: A Year of Free Workshops on M/WBE Access to City Contracts

NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer announced a 2018 initiative to help Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprises gain access toto city contracts known as “M/WBE University”, the yearlong series of workshops designed to help M/WBEs get certified with with the city, navigate the procurement process and gain access to government business.

While city agencies are making important strides in delivering contracts to M/WBEs, major gaps remain. Last year, the city awarded just over $1 billion in contracts to M/WBEs, which represent only 4.9 percent of all awards.

“Four years ago, we did something no one had before,” Comptroller Stringer said. “We started analyzing and holding agencies accountable for how – and to whom – it delivers contracts. Wesaw deep inequities and a playing field that was far from level. This is about fairness. M/WBE University is so important because these companies help to build real local wealth across all of our communities. If we’re going to have a true five-borough economy where everyone has a fair shot, we have to make sure our M/WBEs are successful.”

The yearlong series of workshops will, for the first time, bring in representatives from major companies like IBM, CDW and Ricoh Partners, as well as other businesses that contract with the city for legal, construction and accounting services. Along with opening the doors to city contracting, M/WBE University will provide businesses with opportunities in contracting directly with the comptroller’s office.

The list of workshops include: Doing Business with NYC as an IBM, CDW or Ricoh Partner on 2/23; Become a Prequalified NYC Auditor on 3/23; Capital, Bonds & Tax Breaks for Businesses Impacting NYC on 5/25; Doing Business with the Comptroller on 7/13; Prevailing Wage: What Your Business Needs to Know on 8/17 and The Future of M/WBEs in NYC on 12/14.


Workshops are limited to 75 people and will take place at the David N. Dinkins Manhattan Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, Rm. 1005. Space is limited to 75 attendees for each workshop and registration is now open, so RSVP quickly if interested. Visit the Comptroller’s website at and scroll down to News Updates on the home page to access the Eventbrite RSVP links. For questions, please

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