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Janie W. Green Makes her Transition
Viewing & Wake
Wednesday, January 9th
2:00-8:00 pm
Bridge Street AWME Church
277 Stuyvesant Avenue, Brooklyn
Thursday January 10
Final Viewing 9-10am
Service 10am
Bridge Street AWME Church
277 Stuyvesant Avenue, Brooklyn
followed by Interment at
Calverton National Cemetery
Janie W. Green, 87, long-time community organizer and activist, passed at approximately 6pm yesterday in Manhattan at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in the presence of family members.
Complications stemming from an acute seizure suffered on December 26 at Bishop Henry Hucles Nursing Home in Brooklyn, New York, contributed to the community leader’s death.
Two hours earlier, a near chance encounter with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as nurses wheeled Mrs. Green to an 8
th floor room overlooking the Hudson River, gave mighty resonance to Longfellow’s phrase “ships that pass in the night” and also to the title, First Lady.
Mrs. Green’s legacy is permanently linked to a host of extraordinary Brooklyn women, including her friends and late sister pioneers Elsie Richardson, Shirley Chisholm and living legend Alma Carroll, first ladies whose immeasurable talents and strengths undergirded Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn’s dynamic grassroots political, education action and human rights movements of forty years ago.(bg)