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General Critique

Eugene Brunelle, Sc.D, MIT
Member ASMF, AIAA, Am. Acad. Mechs. SIAM, AMS
Former Princeton University Professor

It is important to view the contributions of Gabriel Oyibo in the following light: the knowledge base and technology base (especially, no computer technology was required to formulate the works) necessary to reproduce Gabriel=s work have been in existence since 1915 for the relativistic work and since around 1890 for the classical mechanics work.  From those time periods until the present ANYBODY and the same chance to present as Gabriel, but NO-ONE WAS CLEVER ENOUGH TO DO SO.  Said differently, these works should have already been in the literature if sufficiently creative and developed minds existed in the time periods mentioned above; quite obviously it seems that they were not, as history confirms.  Collaterally, a little reflection recalls that many noble works were the result of previously established works to allow the new discoveries to be made possible.   Thus the work of Gabriel Oyibo have an extra patina of brilliance not often seen in previous opera magna, because he had the ability to see general patterns and general relations from specific relations that were completely un-apparent to the best of the previous contributors to this area of knowledge.

A wealth of insights is available for any equation/ coupled equations, linear or non-linear by using art combinations of newly recognized group theory principles and the affine transformation  principles long know but little used and little understood in the literature (and principally for highly focused work on a particular subset of problems; e.g. composite plate theory) and not very carefully at times (in many instances).  Simple but useful, people will be horrified at missing the concept or that their heroes missed the concept.  Any equation can be written in any coordinate system, and in fact, any affine [fake] coordinate system.

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