Community Calendar
Friday, September 21st
5:00-8:00PM -LIGHTING THE FIRES OF FREEDOM: African-American Women in the Civil Rights Movement with Janet Dewart Bell, PhD. Honors the 50-year anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and unheralded women who pushed for it. Features: Reception, program, conversation, book signing with the award-winning television/ radio producer, social justice activist. Medgar Evers College, Medgar Evers College, 1638 Bedford Avenue (Edison O. Jackson Auditorium) Brooklyn. Barnes & Noble will be on site, starting at 4:00PM. Space is limited RSVP:
5:30-8PM Soul Summit Music Kicks off Downtown Brooklyn Arts Festival, 300 Ashland Place at the corner of Lafayette and Flatbush Aves. The annual weekend celebration of artists, writers and performers who inspire the borough’s creative spirit opens with an abbreviated edition of their Soul Summit Dance Party. FREE
Saturday, September 22nd
9Am-3PM – 20th – Anniversary of the East New York Farmers Market: Schenck Ave btw New Lots and Livonia Aves. Come enjoy live music, food, fun and kids’ activities with the members of East New York Farms, working together to address food justice, promote local sustainable agriculture and strengthen the community. FREE
7:30PM FREE – Photoville: A Year Reflecting on Race and Diversity in America: Brooklyn Bridge Plaza at Water & New Dock Sts. Featured: several National Geographic photographers who contributed to a series on race and diversity, including Wayne Lawrence’s “The Stop,” a collaboration with ESPN’s The Undefeated about Black and Hispanic motorists pulled over by police and Ruddy Roye and Nina Robinson’s “A Place of Their Own,” about rising enrollment and student activism at HBCUs.
9 & 10:30PM – Rene McLean: A Tribute to John Coltrane: Sistas Place, 456 Nostrand Ave. at the corner of Jefferson. Sistas’ Place 24th Season opening concert featuring Rene McLean on sax and flutes, Hubert Eaves III on piano, Radu Ben Judah on bass, Ronnie Burrage on drums and Baba Neil Clarke on African Percussion. $20 in adv, $25 @ the door. Make reservations early: 718-399-1766.
Sunday, September 23rd
2-4:30PM – Martin Luther King’s “The Drum Major Instinct”: The Plaza at 300 Ashland (Flatbush & Lafayette) Seating limited. Actress Samira Wiley (The Handmaid’s Tale, Orange is the New Black) reads the last sermon Dr. King delivered in 1968 at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Phil Woodmore Singers accompany. Town Hall follows. FREE
12-9PM Seventh Annual Photoville: Brooklyn Bridge Plaza at Water & New Dock Sts. NYC’s largest annual photographic event showcases work by more than 600 artists in 90 exhibitions and outdoor installations in and around freight containers. On display: visual stories from a diverse group of artists, curators and organizations. Also enjoy panel discussions, hands-on workshops, professional development seminars, nighttime programming. FREE.
Monday, September 24th
8PM Saxophonist Gene Ghee at Tohma’s Place: 1583 Fulton St. at Albany Ave., The celebrated jazz artist has played with everyone from Julius Hemphill to Stevie Wonder, B.T. Express, and D Train. Community jam after the first set. $10. 504-292-3605.
Wednesday, September 26th
6-9:00PM Closing Reception for “From Africa to Weeksville the Exhibition: The Eric Edwards Collection” at Weeksville Heritage Center. 158 Buffalo Avenue (bet. Bergen St & St. Marks) in Crown Heights, with artifacts on loan from the Cultural Museum of African Art. Special guest: H.E. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea. FREE and Open to the Public.
6:30PM Women of Color in the Film Industry: Union Film Trades: City College Shepard Hall, 259 Convent Ave, Harlem. FREE. Join Shawn Batey (Props), Michelle Marion (Camera), Allison Jackson (Sound), and Iris Ng (Electric) on how they got into their fields, their unions, and how/why you should too. Cosponsored with the Documentary Forum at CCNY and the Black Documentary Collective. RSVP @
Thursday, September 27th
7PM Brooklyn Talks: Faith Ringgold, Brooklyn Museum 200 Eastern Parkway. Join the legendary Faith Ringgold, included in the special exhibition Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power, as she discusses her work as an artist, activist, author, teacher, and parent from the 1960s to the present day. Ringgold’s illustrated lecture traces her career from the early 1960s— with political imagery and first-hand accounts of the Civil Rights Movement, through the evolution of a body of work containing more than a hundred paintings. $16. Tickets at
Sunday, September 30th
10AM-4PM March for Black Women Location will be sent to registrants at Eventbrite. The Violence Against Women Act is set to expire on this date. This march, organized by Black Women’s Blueprint, directly follows the organization’s 9/29 march on the National Mall in D.C. Both call on Black women to cast #onevote for meaningful policies to end – gender violence, the persistent feminization of poverty, the growing Black female prison population, restrictions to citizenship and the deportation of Black and Brown people, and the threat to health care and reproductive justice. – FREE.
12-&PM CLOSING – Black: Brilliance and Resistance, MoCADA, 80 Hanson Pl. $8, $4 w student ID. Celebrate the creative power of young Black artists in Brooklyn! MoCADA’s13th annual student artist exhibition closes today. Organized in the spirit of the Black Lives Matter movement, over 50 student artists from five Brooklyn schools created works of art grounded in their individual and collective BLACK experiences. Featuring a wide assortment of work including: Images & Words, Original prints, Painted poetry, Photography, Architecture & Design.
Wednesday, October 3rd –10AM-1:30PM. Building Brooklyn Right Brooklyn Borough Hall, 209 Joralemon St., Join BP Eric Adams’ faith-based development forum for houses of worship. Does your religious institution have unused or underused buildings or land? Have you considered development, but don’t know where to start? 718-802-4875.
Saturday, October 13 Bed-Stuy Alive-10AM-Daylong celebration of Bedford Stuyvesant’s people, arts and culture opens with 8th Annual Tohma Y. Faulkner Community Awards, this year, honoring: Mr. Randy Weston (Posthumously), Baba McNeil Clarke, Mr. Job Mashariki, Mr. Maurice Reid, Ms. Clara Hayes, Mr. Kharyl “Cake Boi” Ayers, Baba Stanley Kinard, Ms. Lorrie Ayers-Hutchinson and Mr. Ramon Wal King. Restoration Lobby, 1368 Fulton Street, between Brooklyn & New York Aves. Details of other Bed-Stuy Alive events will be announced shortly in Our Time Press. Visit: FREE
November 5 – Black Solidarity Day-5:30PM – The Rev. Al Sharpton, founder, National Action Network, keynotes tribute to the life and legacy of the late Dr. Carlos E. Russell @ Brooklyn Borough Hall. Info:
September 29
2-4PM DR. CARLOS RUSSELL Memorial @ Brown Memorial Church,
488 Washington Avenue, BK
September 30
IYA MADELEINE YAYODELE NELSON MEMORIAL @Brown Memorial Church, 488 Washington Avenue, BK. Sis. Nelson founded and directed the world-renowned Women of the Calabash company of percussionist/singers that has celebrated the music of Africa and the African diaspora for more than three decades.