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February=s All About Feelings
February- 2 B Feb. 27: An Exhibition of Works by Tom Feelings, sponsored by the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College will be presented in the college=s Charles Innis Memorial Library. Other tributes honoring the late artist to take place during the month include: a memorial celebration at Medgar Evers= Founder=s Auditorium, 1650 Bedford Avenue on Friday, February 27, followed the next day, on Saturday, Feb. 28, with a memorial service at Rev. Johnny Ray Youngblood=s St. Paul=s Baptist Church, 859 Hendrix St.; and an exhibition of his works at the MoCADA Gallery beginning Sunday, February 29 through April. The National Conference of Artists and Tom Feelings=family and friends are also sponsor/hosts of these events. For details and information on times and scheduling please call ( 212)410-7892 or e-mail to: ncanewyork@aol.com.
12n – 2pm: African Burial Ground Project Black History Month site tours. Tours are every Tuesday and Thursday during the month of February. The tours describe the artwork installed to commemorate the site and begin in the lobby at 290 Broadway, located between Duane and Reade Streets, N.Y.C. This is a free event held in the federal building and reservations are required. For more information call (212)337-2001.
6:30pm: Excellence Charter School Kindergarten and 1st grade information sessions, for families of boys entering Kindergarten and 1st grade during the 2004-2005 school year. Excellence Charter School, a public school, prepares young boys to enter, succeed in and graduate from outstanding college preparatory high schools and colleges. Please call (718)771-7701 to attend a session on 2/4, 2/11, 2/25 and 3/6. Sessions will be held at Brooklyn Tabernacle, 600 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. (between Nostrand & Marcy Avenues).
5pm – 11pm: Brooklyn Museum of Art=s free First Saturday celebrates Valentine=s Day a week early with an evening of music, poetry, art and dance. For more information call (718) 501-6330. The museum is located at 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y.
4pm: Free Your African Mind. African education, expanding our African understanding. St. James Presbyterian Church, 141st St. and St. Nicholas Ave., N.Y.C. For additional info. call Mother Kefa Nephthys (212)368-7353.
9am-12n: Medgar Evers College. The Male Development and Empowerment Center will present a community legal forum for people who are living under the supervision of the New York State Division of Parole. The workshop is designed to inform parolees and their family members about how to avoid parole violations and subsequent reincarceration. There will also be information about employment and drug treatment resources. 1150 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
7pm: INAUGURATION & AWARDS CEREMONY for the JAMES DAVIS STOP THE VIOLENCE FOUNDATION at The Rose Castle, 380 Flushing Avenue, corner of Franklin Avenue. FREE ADMISSION. Award recipients include: The Rev. Herbert Daughtry, House of the Lord Church for Lifetime Community Achievement; the Weekend Review Team of 98.7 KISS FM for Media Information, and Dr. Roy Hastick, Sr., Founder, Caribbean- American Chamber of Commerce for Humanitarianism. On the program: Guest Speakers, Spoken- Word Performance, Fashion Exhibit, Auction and Open Buffet. Dress is Formal. Advance Registration is required. Call 718-493-8105.
3pm-6pm: A community conversation with renowned cultural critics Powell and hooks will discuss Black Men and Masculinity. Newsday=s Katti Gray will moderate. For more info call (718)919-5553. Brooklyn Music School, 126 St. Felix St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
6pm: Metropolitan-Chapter of the Victorian Society in America. Free February 10th lecture takes a behind- the- scenes look at nineteenth- century World=s Fair displays. Nineteenth -century World=s Fair methods of display and their influence on American museums are the subjects of a talk by Kathleen Curran, associate professor of fine arts at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Further information may be obtained by calling (212)886-3742.
9am-7:30pm: Brooklyn Campus- Long Island University. African Diaspora sponsored by the Dance, Art, English, Music, an Media Arts departments. Conference features music and movement workshop; Griot presentation: Harambee Dance Company; film presentation; contemporary Kenyan art and reception. For more info call (718)488-1051.
14 & 28
4pm: Free Your African Mind. Ancient Future Parts 1 and 2. St. James Presbyterian Church, 141st St. And St. Nicholas Ave. N.Y.C. For more info call Mother Kefa Nephthys (212) 368-7353.
6:00 p.m: The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College will sponsor a book -signing and discussion for Keith Gilyard, author of Liberation Memories: the Rhetoric and Art of John Oliver Killens (Wayne State University Press, 2003). This discussion is a preconference activity for the Seventh Annual National Black Writers Conference: A Tribute to and Symposium on John Oliver Killens (Culture and Politics of Black Literature) to be held at the college. Using a holistic approach that evaluates John Oliver Killens, the man, writer, teacher, activist, and organizer, Gilyard gives us a comprehensive portrait of an important writer and literary artist=s work from the perspective of Killens= vision, rhetorical form, and use of the vernacular
Brooklyn Based Head Start Community-Based Literacy Intiative. The Brooklyn Head Start Community Based Literacy Initiative in Bedford-Stuyvesant will host its fourth annual literacy conference.The theme of this years conference is ABuilding futures through literacy.@ For further information contact Cynthia Cummings, Executive Director.at (718) 771-4002.
A Blues For Nina: Electrifying Art pays homage to Nina Simone. Black Women Artists on Race, Gender, and the Legacy of Nina Simone. Soulful, sassy and socially conscious songstress, Nina Simone will be remembered at the Tribeca Art Gallery at Borough Manhttan Community College.199 Chambers St. N.Y.. For additional information about the exhibit, please visit at http://www.abluesfornina.com.
12n- 4pm: African Burial Ground Project Black- History Month Film Festival. The day=s highlights will include viewing three films. A question- and- answer session as well as a guided tour of the federal office tower which houses artwork that commemorates the site. For more information please call (212)337-2001. This event is free and reservations are required.
3pm-5pm: Brooklyn Museum of Art. Music in the Galleries will present :@Africa to the Americas.@ Noted storyteller and musician Linda Humes takes listeners of all ages on a musical journey from Africa to the Caribbean and the Americas. 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y. For more info call (718)501-6330.
6pm-11pm: The Annual Tribute to the Ancestors of the Middle Passage Fund-raiser. Fashion Show 2004. New York Top Designers: Moshood, Raif, Annette, and Akeem Collection. Special Performances by: Abu Muhammad the Poetician, Shanto, Crown Heights Youth Collective, Kowteff, and New Kemit Society. Medgar Evers College Auditorium 1650 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. For more info call (718)270-4902.
Through February 29
Kenyan Art is on view simultaneously at four Brooklyn galleries plus the Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, 718-783-4438. About 100 paintings and works on paper from Kenya, most of which have never been seen outside of Africa, are part of the collaborative exhibition that can be see at Five Myles, 558 St. John=s Place, 718-783-4438; Salena Gallery at LIU, Brooklyn Campus, 1 University Plaza at Flatbush Avenue Ext., 718-488-1198; Welancora Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, 718-919-0344 and Kentler International Drawing Space, 353 Van Brunt St., 718-875-2098.
The 7th Anniversary of the Million Woman March takes place October 25, 2004.
Please celebrate the remembrance with us, in your own community. Plan activities for this fall and winter to help yourself, your family, and your community. Now is the time to come together, talk to each other, and spend time together. E-mail us with you ideas for the seventh anniversary at