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View From Here

David Mark Greaves
The Great Debate is over, and both participants rose to our highest wishes.
As soon as Donald Trump began to speak, Vice President Harris looked thankful to him for bringing his go-to persona to the game.
After that, she worked over him like Muhammad Ali against a Golden Glove dropout.
She danced around him with economic, women’s rights, and immigration policies, and then, like a magician, she had Trump punching himself in the face and his own self-underbelly with rants about millions of immigrants pouring into the country, other nations emptying prisons to send criminals here and Haitian immigrants eating cats in Springfield Ohio. He was perfect with his obstinate stupidity, and so was she with her commanding and direct presence.
He rose to her bait like I wish the bass would rise to my lure with an aggressive nature. The lady was badass!
She brought her prosecutor’s “A” game, forcing anyone watching to decide who would they rather have responsible for their family’s future: Who would they leave alone with the children?
The moderators’ ability to get through it without even a hint of suppressed laughter was a testament to their professionalism. So, now, come the only reviews that matter: What do the voters say?
In a perfect world, the swing state polls would be such that Harris can move around the country, lengthening the coattails on her pantsuit as she helps candidates in Senate and House races, whether they were thought to be competitive or not. The only thing we’ve learned for sure is that anything can happen before November 5.
Everyone is anticipating the next national and swing state poll results. If the polls are still within the margins of error after Vice President Harris’s dominating debate performance, then I truly fear for our country because Donald Trump has no intention of losing, as that would send him to jail.
For Trump, it is far better that the nation descends into chaos and civil war than him being imprisoned. Voters have to be just as adamant in seeing that he goes away.