Entertainment News
TARAJI P. HENSON: Hollywood Legend Who’s Sounding The Alarm About The Big Pay Gap!

By Lisa Durden
It’s your girl, Lisa Durden, back again to keep that Women’s History Month energy alive with a spotlight on the Queens of Hollywood who aren’t just making movies but making money moves!
Today, let’s dive into the story of the incomparable Taraji P. Henson – an actress whose talent knows no bounds and whose voice rings loud and clear as she sounds the alarm about The Big Pay Gap in Hollyweird.
Now I’m finna ‘Fangirl’ out a little, so before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a moment to appreciate Taraji’s incredible career.
She’s not “just” an actress; she’s a force of nature.
From her Golden Globe win to her Academy Award and Primetime Emmy nominations, Taraji has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.
But long before her ‘The Color Purple’ media tour, she was already raising her voice against the systemic inequalities in Hollywood. Yuuuup! And, in 2023, SHE WAS COMIN’ IN HOT!!! Let’s get into it!
Fast forward to December 19, 2023, when Taraji broke the internet in a highly emotional, tearful, profanity-laden SiriusXM Podcast interview with the one and only Gayle King, where she laid bare the injustices she faced stating, “I’m tired of working so hard…getting paid a fraction of the cost…If I can’t fight for them coming up behind me then what the F@CK am I doing?? I’m just supposed to smile and grin??”
I watched in horror as Taraji began having what appeared to be a full-on meltdown. I was like O.M.G! She’s droppin’ F-Bombs! WHOA! All while The Color Purple director, Blitz Bazawule and castmate Danielle Brooks looked on with what appeared to be sheer sorrow on their faces, as Taraji sounded the alarm about ‘The Big Pay Gap’ in Hollywood.
In an interview with the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations series she admitted that she almost had to walk away from ‘The Color Purple’ because, as she said, “THEY TRIED IT!” She also revealed that she hadn’t seen a raise since ‘Proud Mary’ in 2018.
Now, let me contextualize this for y’all: Despite starring in 14 film and television projects including ‘What Men Want,’ ‘Empire,’ ‘Annie Live’ and, of course, ‘The Color Purple,’ Taraji P. Henson has been receiving THE SAME SALARY for SIX LONG YEARS!!!
Where they do that at??
In my humble opinion, ‘The Color Purple’ was the straw that broke Taraji’s camel’s back! And we saw it play out in Real Time. Taraji could no longer “take one for the team!” She’s at an age now where she’s not finna let folks play in her face.
NOPE! Not gonna hap’n, cap’n!
So, the saga continued…
Every stop the cast and crew made during the press tour, Taraji spilled the strong, hot Lipton Tea! On a host of appearances, she brought attention to the lackluster accommodations and disrespect she and her co-stars faced on set.
She shared that the production didn’t provide them with craft services during rehearsals and she, Danielle Brooks and Fantasia Burrino were made to share dressing rooms on set.
The trailers were trashy, and these stars were also being made to drive themselves to and from set…instead of giving them drivers to do the job??
I might have understood SOME of the cheap-ation IF ‘The Color Purple’ were a low budget movie, but this film had a $150-million-dollar budget.
“Keeping it a buck,” it was disappointing that Taraji faced backlash from some in the Black community. Critics even tried to pit her against my wife Oprah Winfrey, but to no avail! “Lady O” shut that down, real quick.
While on a CBS Mornings’ interview with her “bestie” Gayle King, she shared that she personally called Toby Emmerich (who was, at the time, the head of Warner Brothers) and advocated for Taraji behind the scenes and the issues got addressed. But the gag is…WHY CLUCK OVER PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE??
If you’re a Black woman, you know why. As the late great Malcolm X once said, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman.
The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” And sadly, that still holds true today! So, if it were not for Taraji P. Henson sounding the alarm about ‘The Big Pay Gap,’ it would have been BAD BUSINESS AS USUAL!
So, for all of you Need Grows who came for Taraji because she makes millions and y’all don’t, YOU SOUND IGNORANT!
Of course, Taraji makes more than the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. She wasn’t comparing her salary to the average Joe.
She is simply saying that she gets paid significantly less, relative to her white Hollywood counterparts. Are y’all not smarter than a 5th grader?? Cuz that concept ain’t hard to grasp!
Fighting for fair pay isn’t just a Rich Black Hollywood issue, it’s been an ongoing struggle for Black people everywhere, in all fields, on every economic level, from day one in this country.
FULL STOP! So, miss me with that yin-yang y’all talkin’.
Here’s a random thought: instead of spewing all that misogynoir, why don’t us Black folks stand 10 toes down in lock step with Taraji P. Henson and all Black women sounding the alarm about The Big Pay Gap! Or is that too much like Right??
Oh, and here’s the ultimate rub for me: Why were Taraji P. Henson’s tears more palatable than Mo’Nique’s Shouts??
Black Hollywood came out en masse in support of Taraji. (As They Should Have!) However, where was that same energy for Mo when she spoke truth to power, very early on, about ‘The Big Pay Gap’???
Many celebs have chimed in proclaiming, “…the difference is in the delivery.” Wait! Ain’t we all real grown?? I mean…are we so weak that we can’t handle the Straight-No-Chaser Sistas??
As the saying goes, “If You Are Silent About Your Pain, They Will Kill You And Say You Enjoyed It.” Mo’Nique is this generation’s ‘Mother of The Movement.’
Instead of y’all reveling in her being Black balled, y’all should have applauded her for STANDING ON BUSINESS! It’s time to give Mo her flowers, too!
Let’s all stand in solidarity with Mo and Taraji who are not backing down! #ClapForThat!
Lisa Durden is a prominent National Media Contributor and TV Personality, renowned for her appearances on prestigious platforms such as ABC 20/20 as an ABC News contributor, Revolt TV’s ‘Revolt Black News,’ and Fox Soul’s ‘Being Black with Tammi Mac.’ Her contributions extend to CBS News, The Dr. Oz Show, and as an #APlusPanel contributor on, #TheOpinionZone for the former ‘Chasing News Series’ on the My9 Network. Lisa’s distinctive voice and activism echoes through her storytelling. She is a vocal social justice journalist and thought leader, recognized by such media outlets as Newsweek, Ark Republic, and Our Time Press.
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