By Brenda Greene African Voices, founded in 1992 by Carolyn Butts, is an organization dedicated to preserving art, literature, and film. This special edition of the...
Celebrating 51 Years of AUDELCO Excellence, held at the Alhambra Ballroom in Harlem, was hosted by Tobias Truvillion and Aixa Kendrick. Special honors went to: Allie...
By Fern GillespieOn September 9, Sonia Sanchez marked her 88th birthday. It’s a cause for celebration. Sanchez embodies the literary power of Herstory and History. The...
“Her commitment to the Black community and to all of humanity is unwavering. She gives us hope and reminds us that the power to transform ourselves...
Sonia Sanchez delivered last week at Medgar Evers College. “The audience was packed with college students, high school students, faculty, writers, artists and the general public...