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Police Athletic League Kicks Off Summer Playstreet Program Serving Brooklyn Communities

ice Athletic League Kicks Off Summer Playstreet Program Serving Brooklyn Communities
The Police Athletic League (PAL) launches its 2006 Summer Program in Brooklyn on Monday, July 10th: Hundreds of PAL youngsters play traditional sidewalk games, develop their creativity through arts and crafts, choose books from a mobile reading library and make new friends throughout the summer.
PAL’s Summer Playstreet Program closes off streets and utilizes other public areas, such as playgrounds and parks, throughout New York City to provide children with safe, supervised places to enjoy outdoor summer activities.
PAL is operating in over 210 neighborhoods this summer, including 130 play site programs, 13 day camps, sports locations and child care programs. Forty of these play sites are located in housing developments, funded by the New York City Housing Authority. PAL summer programs serve over 25,000 children each summer.
Play sites are full-day programs, open Monday through Friday. PAL’s summer program also includes baseball and softball leagues for boys and girls, baseball rookie leagues, part-time police precinct programs, and a youth employment program that has helped students find jobs.
Some Brooklyn Playsites:
Lefferts Park (Empire Blvd. Bet. New York and Nostrand Aves.)
P.S. 275/Osburn Blyd. @ Thatford and Hegeman
Ocean Hill Apartments 30 Mother Gaston Blvd.
East NY City Line @ 710 Euclid Avenue, bet. Dumont & Blake Aves.
Stroud Park @ Park Place bet. Washington and Classon Aves.
Rewald Salgada Park @ Madison and Patchen
Bed-Stuy Rehabs @ 701 Willoughby Ave. bet. Throop & Marcus Garvey Blvd.
Ingersoll Houses 120 Navy Walk @ Tillary & Park Aves.
Emerson Playground @ Emerson Place bet. Myrtle and Willoughby Aves.
Star Spangled Playground @ Franklin Ave. Between Dekalb and Willoughby.

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