Community Calendar

Friday, October 26th
Philosophy and Religion in Africana Traditions @ CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., Manhattan, 10AM-6PM, FREE. The theme of this fifth annual conference is: “From Mass Incarceration to Universal Education: Unlocking the System.” Today’s topics and presentations include: “DuBois’ Anticipation of Mass Incarceration…”, “Nightmares Beneath the American Dream,” “Understanding Black Music: A Theory of Resilience,” and “Education and Spiritual Activism…” among others.

“The Listening Bench by Ramona Candy”
Saturday, October 27th
DAY TWO: Philosophy and Religion in Africana Traditions @ MayDay Community Space, 176 Saint Nicholas Ave., Bushwick, 10AM-6PM, FREE. Today’s topics and presentations include: “You Can Jail a Revolutionary, but You Can’t Jail the Revolution,” “Not Whether Education is Transformation but How…”, “…Unlocking the System: A Discussion for the Future,” and “Cachinnate Yourself About Mental Slavery: Freudian Approach to the Horrific Humor in ‘Get Out’.”
College Fair/ Career Day, 450 Eastern Parkway, 11AM-3PM, FREE. Learn about: Free tuition at CUNY and SUNY; Historical Black Colleges and Universities; Scholarships, Black Engineers; Military Academies; NYC Fire Department; NYPD; Health Professions; New York Life; National Grid, etc. Presented by the Hospitality Committee/Scholarship Fund of the First Baptist Church of Crown Heights. For info, call…….?
Affordable Housing Workshop @ Albany Houses Community Center, 164 Troy Ave., 1-4PM, FREE. The Housing Committee of Brooklyn Community Board 8 invites the public to learn tools and strategies to fight the #1 crisis facing Prospect Heights, Crown Heights and Weeksville. Presentations will be made by HPD, IMPACCT Brooklyn, Crown Heights Tenants Union, Met Council, Flatbush Tenants Coalition, Legal Hand and Brooklyn Neighborhood Improvement Assoc. For info call 718-467-5574.
Sunday, October 28th
Women’s World VI Art Show Opening @ Dorsey Art Gallery, 553 Rogers Ave., 3PM-8PM, FREE This exhibition and sale features work by Verna Hart, Ramona Candy and Sophia Dawson. Meet them at this opening hosted by LPD Brooklyn Arts at the famous Dorsey Art Gallery, showcasing for decades the work of Black painters, sculptors, collagists, illustrators and others. Closing 11/11. For info call 718-462-9425.
Monday, October 29th
IMPACCT Brooklyn is Hiring @ 1000 Dean St., Suite 420, 4-7PM, FREE. Do you have experience in these areas: Social Worker: CSAC MSW; Tenant Rights/Community Organizer; Communication Coordinator; Economic Development/Small Business Outreach Coordinator; Inclusionary Housing Income Compliance Administrator; Junior Accountant or IT Data Research Analyst? If so, bring a resume, dress in professional attire and meet the people at IMPACCT today or on Sat., Nov. 5th from 2-6PM.
Tuesday, October 30th
Sustaining Our Ground Community Empowerment Forum @ Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration, 1350 Fulton St., 5th Fl., 7-9PM, FREE. Be informed about the state of the community for long-term residents. Discussed will be the midterm elections, owning and sustaining businesses, housing, education, health and social justice. Panelists include: Council member Alicka Amprey-Samuel, Attorney Esmeralda Simmons, Tiecha Merrit, Mike Brooks, Michael Bailey, Santina Payton, Henry Butler, Omowale Clay, Dr. Jamila Codrington and others. Presented by County Committee Member of E.D.53.
The State of Medgar Evers College, Main Building, 1650 Bedford Ave., 7PM, FREE. MEC President Rudolph Crew will give a brief presentation and head the discussion at the college’s annual meeting. Community input is welcome and critically important. RSVP: Katie Davis at 718-638-8292 or Anne Bush at 347-268-9679.
Boss of Black Brooklyn Discussion @ Greenlight Books, 632 Flatbush Ave. at Fenimore St., 7:30PM, FREE. Author Ron Howell shares the story of his pioneering grandfather, the first Black person to hold public office in Brooklyn. He’ll discuss BOSS OF BROOKLYN: The Life and Time of Bertram L. Baker with fellow journalist Jim Harney. An immigrant from Nevis, Baker represented Brooklyn on the N.Y. State Legislature starting in 1948. This book explores not only politics, but couples and families, place and ancestry, representation and gentrification.
Saturday, Nov. 3rd
Medgar Evers College Annual Theater Benefit, Billie Holiday Theater, 1368 Fulton St., Dinner @ 5PM, Curtain at 7PM, $50. Support the Scholarship Fund of the Community Council for Medgar Evers College by seeing the much-anticipated play Dot by Colman Domingo, directed by Kenny Leon. As Dotty struggles to hold on to her failing memory, her children must fight to balance care for their mother and care for themselves. Crackling with humor, this lucid comedy grapples with aging parents, midlife crises and the heart of an urban West Philly neighborhood.
Mind-Builders 40th Anniversary Gala @ Lehman College Lovinger Theater, 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West, The Bronx, 7-8:30PM, $50. Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center serves youth with instruction and performing opportunities in theater, dance and music. This year’s gala celebrates bassist William Parker with a performance by Grammy-winning bassist/vocalist Esperanza Spalding. Other “Builders” honored and additional performances as well. Meet acclaimed visual artists at an auction at the 5:30 VIP reception for an additional contribution. Call 718-652-6256 for info and purchase tickets at brownpapertickets.
Sunday, November 4th
Black Solidarity Day Black Business Bus Tour begins at 1368 Fulton St., 12-6PM, $17. An opportunity for conscious people to shop, dine and purchase goods and services from Black-owned establishments in honor of Black Solidarity Day (observed on Mon., Nov. 5th) while traveling on a Black-owned coach.
Monday, November 5th

Carlos Russell
Tribute to the Life and Legacy of Dr. Carlos E. Russell @ Brooklyn Borough Hall, 208 Joralemon St., 5:30PM, FREE. Share your memories of the Father and Founder of Black Solidarity Day with his family, invited speakers and representatives. Included are: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Bishop Daughtry, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, NYS Regent Dr. Lester Young, Hon. Al Vann, Hon. Annette Robinson, State Senator Kevin Parker, Bro. Sam Anderson, Public Advocate Letitia James, NYCDOE Chancellor Carranza, BNYEE, NAACP and many others. The Rev. Dr. Al Sharpton is keynote speaker and Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams will present a declaration. Organized by the National Action Network’s Education Committee.
“Teach the People,” “Our Streets” and “Don’t Count Us Out,” No Work, No School, No Shopping. On this 49th Anniversary of Black Solidarity Day, carry on the work and vision of its founder, Dr. Carlos Russell. “Teach the People” – A Community Program, Bed-Stuy Restoration Plaza, 1368 Fulton St., 10AM-12PM (inside if raining); “Our Streets” – Rally and March, Fulton St. & Marcy Ave., 2PM; “Don’t Count Us Out” – The Black Community Must Be Felt and Counted (2020 Census), 6:30PM, Siloam Presbyterian Church, 260 Jefferson Ave. Participants include: Black Vets for Social Justice, December 12th Movement, CEMOTAP, Man Up! ENY Restoration, Brownsville Think Tank Matters, Elombe Brath Foundation, Assemblyman Charles Barron, Council members Inez Barron and Alicka Samuel and others. For info call 718-398-1766.