Sealy Cuyler Funeral Home Thanks Community at 1st Anniversary Event
By Jasmin Dysard
On November 18, 2006 the doors of a Black women-owned funeral home in Prospect Heights officially opened for business. One year to the day, family, friends, clergy and a New York City
Councilwoman gathered in one of the funeral home’s beautifully designed rooms as the owners of the funeral home, Ms. Renaye Cuyler and Ms. Maria Sealy gave thanks to God and to their loved ones and supporters for one year of success with their baby.
Words of praise and inspiration were spoken by the Reverends Gary Gibbs and Frederick Ennette, and rousingly sung by the Reverend Alvin Freeland.
New York City Councilwoman Letitia James, a supporter of the ladies from day one, was on hand to dedicate the funeral home’s new name. The funeral home is now officially Sealy Cuyler Funeral Home.
Ms. James also filled in for Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, who was tied up at another event, in giving the women, and funeral home, a Proclamation.
Ms. Cuyler and Ms. Sealy closed the event by acknowledging and thanking their loved ones in the audience. Both women’s youthful-looking mothers were there and stood up to greet the audience when their daughters thanked them for their constant support.