Community News
Reporters & Bloggers Wanted

Our Time Press, a 20-year-old, award-winning newspaper in Brooklyn, is looking for reporting talent for both print and web.
If you have a journalism background and an itch to report on national, state and local issues you see affecting our neighborhoods as well as local events and recognition of local heroes, then you are invited to write a community blog at
We will pay for any article we select from the blogs to be edited by the writer for the weekly print edition of Our Time Press.
Content will be primarily hyperlocal to the neighborhoods of Fort Greene/Clinton Hill, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, Brownsville and East New York.
Parenting, Education, City Politics, Health, Business and Local News are all areas of interest to the community.
If you are passionate about telling stories and finding the news that’s all around us, then send a resume and clips to: