City Politics
One Antidote to Aging

It may be time for the old adage: “It’s a shame to waste youth on the young” to be retired.
By spending time around the little people, many Bed-Stuy seniors are finding their own personal “fountain of youth”.
Last Saturday, the Crispus Attucks (PS 21) School’s Spring Carnival brought out hundreds of children, and it appeared, just as many seniors. All ages were having fun.
Debbie Smoak, 62, (in photo on left) is a lifelong MacDonough Street resident and grandmother to Tai Smoak, 4(far right). She told Our Time Press, “My grandchildren give me inspiration and the desire to live longer. I have an internal glow. You may not see it on the outside but it’s there. With them, I have happy times and I keep learning. In fact, I’m going back to arts and crafts”.
Debbie’s friend, Connie, grandmother to Jayla McNiel (left) and Jamik McNiel, agreed: “Grandkids keep you active and because of them I stay actively involved in the community and what’s going on.”
And for those who are not fortunate to have grands, Ellen Bailey (unpictured), 61, a paraprofessional who works with special needs children for the Department of Education advised: “Volunteering at churches, schools, libraries, hospitals offers seniors a chance to experience the world of the young and share wisdom in return.”
Ms. Bailey, who attended the carnival with two of her three grands, also said, “You’re never too old to learn and I’m a lifelong learner. That keeps you young, too”. (Text and Photo: Bernice Green)