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For 2024, How about a Newsom/Rice Ticket?

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by David Mark Greaves

With President Joe Biden looking weak in the polls, despite his legislative successes, and serious concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris inspiring the confidence of the electorate to step into the presidency if Biden became unable to govern because of health, I think a Dream Team of California Governor Gavin Newsom for President and former UN ambassador and former national security advisor Susan Rice for Vice President would be an unbeatable combination. That’s a ticket that would bring energy, and excitement and allow voters to breathe a sigh of relief in seeing a chance of a course correction on the direction of the country.

They have the generational change, domestic legislative record, and energy of Governor Newsom and the diplomatic experience and gravitas of Ambassador Rice, that would be impossible for the Republicans to match.
And the more Ambassador Rice demurs from the run, with each demurral, the demand for her to join the ticket would only increase by an electorate tired of having politicians whose life ambition has been to be president.
Biden may be making the same mistake that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made by not resigning before her death and California Senator Dianne Feinstein is making by staying on despite her neurological limitations.
With the Biden/Harris ticket only polling even or worse with a fascist loving twice-indicted, twice-impeached, convicted sex abuser who promises to rule with a vengeance toward the rule of law, this is too dangerous a time for democracy and the future of the nation for Biden’s ego to force him forward.
Do the nation a favor Joe and let your greatest service be letting go.