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ARC of Triumph:

ARC and Health Equity Builders: From left, Dr. Michelle E. Morse, NYC’s first Chief Medical Officer, and founder, HealthEquity; Dr. Camara P. Jones, physician, epidemiologist, and anti-racism activist, are working to eliminate racism in care for patients of color through the successful program called ARC -- Acknowledgment of racial inequities; creating a path of Redress for patients of color; and then facilitating Closure through reconciliation.

Health Equity Advocates Launch Campaign to Eliminate Racism and Revolutionize Care for Patients of Color

This week, it was announced that a prominent group of health professionals, community leaders, and healthcare equity advocates had launched a campaign to raise awareness of successful race-conscious approaches to healthcare delivery in Massachusetts that target institutional racism and can bring transformational change to healthcare systems.
The campaign will educate hospital administrators, lawmakers, social justice advocates, communities, and more about the value of race-conscious interventions, such as those implemented under the framework of the Healing ARC organization. (The Healing ARC is a collaborative approach that helps rectify patient care inequities while countering the notion that race-blind solutions effectively fix systems broken by racism. )