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Prayer & Praise at Restoration

The United Clergy Coalition, under the leadership of Dr. Bishop’s Gerald Seabrooks (Senior pastor Rehoboth Cathedral) and Dr. Bishop Albert K. Jamison, Sr. The Senior pastor of Pleasant Grove Tabernacle. started a “Takin’ It to The Street” series of prayer of worship services.

Dr. Bishop Seabrooks, Chair, United Clergy Coalition advises youth. Photo: Nathaniel Adams

They have opened the church beyond the doors and are going out praying for our Communities.  The intercessory focus is to end gun violence and the present and future of our youth.

On Sunday August 8th, under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Chantel Wright of Harlem, the group closed off Fulton Street in front of Restoration and  “took it to the street” under the tent with a standing room only crowd.
Exhibiting the power of unity and prayer, 7 young people and 1 adult confessed and were saved. The City Wide Baptism takes place during the culminating weekend, August 28th at Orchard Beach.
The new normal is going to the people and meeting them where they are!!

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