Oldies But Goodies Dance Party to Raise Funds for Magnolia Tree Earth Center

On Friday, May 19th 2017 hundreds of Brooklyn community members will celebrate legacy and dance the night away at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple for Magnolia Tree Earth Center’s Spring “Oldies But Goodies” Fundraising Dance Party. Founded 45 years ago by Mrs. Hattie Carthan, Magnolia Tree Earth Center continues to evolve into an epicenter for learning, environmental stewardship and community development. The site is on now of the list of the National Registry of Historic Places.
The dance party will benefit Magnolia Tree Earth Center’s programs and help raise vital funds to provide maintenance of its three-brownstone complex on Lafayette Avenue.
Honorees at this event will be Professors Safiya Bandele founder and former Director for the Women’s Development Center Medgar Evers College and Dr. Evelyn Castro is Dean of School of Professional & Community Development.
She is known as the “inexhaustible hands-on and visionary leader.” Professor Castro will be receiving the Educational Leadership Award.
Keynote speaker will be one of Magnolia Tree’s longtime supporters, Mr. Al Vann a well-known Brooklyn, NY politician. Tickets are available now at
Dance & Buffet
Friday May 19, 2017
7pm – 12:00 Midnight
with DJs Harry Black, ZJ Cutter and Father Quest
And a scrumptious Buffet plus a Silent Auction
Tickets Table of 10/$500.00
or Individual tkts @ $50 per person
Dress Semi-formal
Held at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple
317 Clermont Avenue corner of Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205