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Folukie Restaurant

Folukie Restaurant is a Muslim-owned modern establishment located at 1168 Bedford Avenue (bet. Putnam Ave. & Madison Street).
The kitchen is commanded by Chef Glen.  The food is absolutely delicious and is of a totally halal variety.
There’s a hot breakfast to start the day, with pancakes, Salmon Cakes, Grits, Turkey Sausage and all the rest.  For lunch, starting at 11:30A.M., there’s a daily take-out special. Also, the dinner menu features Caribbean, Senegalese and American dishes. Dinner starts at 5:00P.M.
In addition, Folukie features the best jazz entertainment in Brooklyn on Wednesdays 7-10P.M.  Spoken Word (poetry, open mic) on Thursdays, and Jazz/Blues Jam on Saturday evenings starting at 8P.M.
Open seven days a week, Mon.-Friday 7AM-11P.M., Sat. & Sunday 12noon – 11PM. For further information, please call: 718-623-3623.

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