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PS 25 Welcomes Spring!
Earlier this month, the entire student body of P.S. 25/The Eubie Blake School participated in a tree-planting on a patch of earth adjacent to the sc
Perhaps the most poignant moment occurred off-camera. During the last few moments of P.S. 25’s “Salute to Spring”, every child, grades Kdgtn. to 5th, moved forward for the chance to give the two dogwoods — supplied by
community partner the Magnolia Tree Earth Center — water.
In the face of ambivalent, despairing, dream-destroying messages from the Capitol, millions of educators still believe in growing the future; and millions of children believe in planting seeds; millions of families, neighborhoods, public schools understand the value of nourishing faith and positive action in large ways and small. Winston Wharton’s photos tell the story of that special day. This Saturday, June 3, several public schools are hosting open houses.(BG)