Community Calendar
Monday, February 4th
Truth and Reconciliation of Women: An Evening of 10-Minute Plays, The Commons Café, 388 Atlantic Avenue, 7:30PM, $17.50 & $20 @ the door, students w/ ID & seniors, $15. Tony Award-winning Tonya Pinkins curates this evening of theater and song by women. It promises to help you “see moments of history you may not have known and discover new ways of seeing the world and each other.” Featured are Tonya Pinkins, Glory Kadigan, Kristine M. Reyes, Carmen Rivera, Lucy Thurber, Anglea Scalfani and Julie Brown. There’s a one-drink minimum per person, which includes lattes, juices, etc., as well as wine.
Tuesday, February 5th – Feb. 7th
Free Screening of Black Panther Various venues, 4PM & 7PM, FREE. See a screening of the Oscar-nominated film for Black History Month at one of four AMC theaters in Manhattan: 34th Street 14, Empire 25, Kips Bay 15 and Lincoln Square 13. Reserve right away for tickets starting today as there’s a waiting list for earlier dates.
Wednesday, February 6th
Book Talk: Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till NYU Institute of African-American Affairs, 6-8PM, FREE. Come hear a lecture entitled “Emmett Till: Meaning and Memory” by author Elliot J. Gorn, Department of History, Loyola University of Chicago. For further info, including campus venue to be determined, contact the Institute at 212-988-2130.
Sunday, February 10th
Thursday, February 14th
No Matter What: A Celebration of Nana Camille Yarbrough Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 515 Malcolm X Blvd., Harlem, 6-9PM, $25 ($30 at the door). Come salute our award-winning performance artist, author and cultural activist. With a career that spans over sixty years, several continents, countless awards and accolades, and a few generations, Nana Camille continues to inspire via performance, poetry lectures, music, Black art, spirituality and culture.
Saturday, February 23rd
White Rage/ Black Resistance: And the Politics of Remembrance CEMOTAP Center, 135-05 Rockaway Boulevard, Queens, 2PM, FREE.
New Yorkers are invited to come out and welcome veteran journalist Hugh Hamilton, formerly of WBAI-FM. He will hold forth at this provocative and timely community forum. For further information call 347-907-0629.
* In this section last week we listed the Emmett Till book talk as taking place on 2/4. The correct date is Wednesday 2/6 (see above).